Timeline Quick Start Guide

Welcome! This guide provides an overview of key features to help you navigate and explore the timeline with ease.

Timeline commit

  • Click on timeline items commit in the left column to view it.
  • Click the add button or double-click to zoom in the timeline.
  • Click the remove button to zoom out the timeline bar, and refresh to reset both zoom and position.
  • Once zoomed in, click and drag or scroll on the timeline to move up or down.

Search Bar search

  • Click on the search bar or hit '/' and type in a keyword or year to search for a timeline item.
  • Click on the timeline item in the search results to navigate to it.
  • Click on the close button to clear the search bar.

Navigation Buttons

  • smartphone Mobile — Swipe swipe left or right to navigate through timeline items.
  • mouse Mouse — Click on the keyboard_arrow_up/keyboard_arrow_down floating buttons at the top and bottom of the screen to navigate up or down through timeline items.
  • keyboard_alt Keyboard — Presskeyboard_arrow_up/keyboard_arrow_left or keyboard_arrow_down/keyboard_arrow_right to navigate up or down through timeline items.


  • Click on the image to view it in fullscreen mode. Click on the image again to exit fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile, pinch pinch to zoom in and out of the image.


  • Press the volume_up button to hear a description of the current timeline item. Press the stop button to stop the audio playback.


If you come across any issues or bugs, reach out to our team by visiting our GitHub repository.

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  • 1710
  • 1730
  • 1750
  • 1770
  • 1790
  • 1810
  • 1830
  • 1850
  • 1870
  • 1890
  • 1910
  • 1930
  • 1950
  • 1970
  • 1990
  • 2010
  • 2030
Fort Niagara Built

Fort Niagara Built


France erected Fort Niagara, also known as the “French Castle”, on the east side of the Niagara River at Lake Ontario. The fort was built to protect its interests in North America and control access between the river and the lake. It was one of three forts that France had built at this site since 1679.

Niagara-on-the-Lake Main Street